It goes without saying that once you are on a double, you must remain calm. Try and keep the same smooth action and follow through as normal in order to avoid snatching the dart. But before you even get to a double you need to put some thought into how you will finish.
Most darts players have their favourite doubles, which they practice and hit often. If you watch a professional game, you will see a certain player regularly leave the same double. It is important to try and leave a double you like and feel confident of hitting. The most common doubles players leave are 20 (double top) and 16. These are both even numbers which ensures if you hit the single part of the segment, you will have another double to aim at next dart. This eliminates the need to hit single numbers, thus giving you more darts and chances at a double. Double top is very popular because most players are already use to aiming at and hitting the twenty segment and therefore only need to raise their aim slightly while keeping the same line to hit the double.
The red bullseye in the centre of the board is worth 50 points and is the highest number you can checkout on with one dart. If you watch a professional darts player throwing,you will notice they will often use the bullseye at some point during their out shot. One instance is when they only have two darts left to throw and have a finish of more than sixty and their opponent is sitting on a possible out shot. For example if you need 67 and only have two darts left, you cannot hit a single number followed by a double as the finish is too high. You could of course go for a treble but if you miss there is no dart at a finish. One option is to go for the treble 17, if you hit it you then have one dart at double 8. However if you miss it but still hit the single 17, you can still throw a dart at the bull to win the leg. It is all about giving yourself the greatest opportunity to win the leg. The bullseye is also used a lot in the build up to a double, again to give you more chances to finish. For example you have 3 darts to throw and require 82, you can go for treble 14 and double top, but if you hit single 14 you would still need 68 with two darts. Most professional players in that situation would aim for the bull with their first dart. The reason is that if they hit it they have left double 16, however if they miss it but hit the green outer ring scoring 25, they are now left with a comfortable two dart finish of 57 (17 & double top). Practice aiming at the bullseye regularly, it will give you more chances to finish and win.
It is important that you learn the various three and two dart outshots required to finish. The more you play darts, these shots will become second nature to you. Once you become familiar with these checkouts you can then taylor your finishing to suit your game. In other words leave your favourite doubles, the ones you like and feel more confident hitting. Remember that aiming to finish on a high even number like 40 or 32 will leave potentially more darts at doubles and chances to win. If you practice the double top and double 16 routes often, it will add a real edge to your game.
Below I have listed all the outshots in darts alongside some popular finishes. This list is by no means exhaustive and with the exception of the very highest outshots there are numerous ways to hit an outshot. It is simply a matter of finding the way which works for you. Enjoy your darts.
170 T20 T20 bull
169 No outshot
168 No outshot
167 T20 T19 bull
166 No Outshot
165 No Outshot
164 T20 T18 bull
163 No Outshot
162 No Outshot
161 T20 T17 Bull
160 T20 T20 D20
159 No Outshot
158 T20 T20 D19
157 T19 T20 D20
156 T20 T20 D18
155 T20 T19 D19
154 T18 T20 D20
153 T20 T19 D18
152 T20 T20 D32
151 T17 T20 D20
150 T20 T18 D18
149 T20 T19 D16
148 T20 T20 D14 or T16 T20 D20
147 T20 T17 D18
146 T20 T18 D16
145 T15 T20 D20
144 T20 T20 D12
143 T20 T17 D16
142 T14 T20 D20
141 T20 T19 D12 or T20 T15 D18
140 T20 T20 D10 or T20 T16 D16
139 T13 T20 D20
138 T20 T18 D12
137 T20 T15 D16 or T19 T16 D16
136 T20 T20 D8
135 T20 T15 D15
134 T20 T14 D16
133 T20 T19 D8
132 T20 T16 D12 or 25 T19 Bull or Bull Bull D16
131 T20 T13 D16
130 T20 T18 D8 or T20 20 Bull (This gives you two chances to hit the treble).
129 T20 T11 D18
128 T20 T20 D4
127 T20 T17 D8
126 T20 T18 D6 or T19 19 Bull
125 T20 T19 D4 or T20 T15 D10 (If you hit single 15 with your second dart you can then go for the bull).
124 T20 T16 D8
123 T20 T13 D12
122 T20 T18 D4
121 T20 T15 D8 or T19 T16 D8
120 T20 20 D20
119 T20 19 D20
118 T20 18 D20
117 T20 17 D20 or T19 20 D20
116 T20 20 D18
115 T20 15 D20
114 T20 18 D18 or T20 14 D20
113 T20 13 D20
112 T20 12 D20
111 T20 19 D16 or T17 20 D20
110 T20 10 D20 or T20 18 D16 or T20 Bull (2 dart finish)
109 T20 17 D16
108 T20 16 D16
107 T20 7 D20 or T19 18 D16 or T19 Bull
106 T20 6 D20 or T20 14 D16
105 T20 5 D20 or T20 13 D16
104 T20 4 D20 or T20 12 D16 or T18 Bull
103 T20 3 D20 or T17 20 D16
102 T20 2 D20 or T20 10 D16
101 T20 1 D20 or T17 18 D16 0r T17 Bull
100 T20 D20
99 T19 10 D16 or T13 20 D20
98 T20 D19
97 T19 D20
96 T20 D18
95 T19 D19
94 T18 D20
93 T19 D18
92 T20 D16
91 T17 D20
90 T18 D18 or T20 D15
89 T19 D16
88 T20 D14 or T16 D20
87 T17 D18
86 T18 D16
85 T15 D20
84 T20 D12
83 T17 D16
82 Bull D16 or T14 D20
81 T19 D12 or T15 D18
80 T20 D10 or T16 D16
79 T13 D20
78 T18 D12 or T20 D9
77 T19 D10 or T15 D16
76 T20 D8
75 T13 D18 or T15 D15 (single 15 would leave 20 and D20)
74 T18 D10 or T14 D16
73 T19 D8
72 T20 D6 or T16 D12
71 T13 D16
70 T10 D20
69 T11 D18 or 19 Bull
68 T20 D4 or 18 Bull
67 T17 D8 or 17 Bull
66 T18 D6 or T10 D18 or 16 Bull
65 T19 D4 or T15 D10 or 25 D20 or 15 Bull
64 T16 D8 or 14 Bull
63 T13 D12 or T17 D6 or 13 Bull
62 T10 D16 or T14 D10 or 12 Bull
61 T15 D8 or 25 D18 or 11 Bull
60 20 D20
59 19 D20
58 18 D20
57 17 D20 or 19 D19
56 16 D20 or 20 D18
55 15 D20
54 14 D20 or 18 D18
53 13 D20
52 12 D20 or 20 D16
51 11 D20 or 19 D16 or 17 D17
50 10 D20 or 18 D16 0r Bull
49 9 D20 or 17 D16
48 8 D20 or 16 D16
47 15 D16 or 7 D20
46 14 D16 or 6 D20
45 13 D16 or 5 D20
44 12 D16 or 4 D20
43 11 D16 or 3 D20
42 10 D16 or 2 D20
41 9 D16 or 1 D20
40 D20
39 7 D16
38 D19
37 5 D16
36 D18
35 3 D16
34 D17
33 1 D16
32 D16
31 15 D8
30 D15
29 13 D8
28 D14
27 11 D8
26 D13
25 9 D18
24 D12
23 7 D8
22 D11
21 5 D8
20 D10
19 3 D8
18 D9
17 1 D8
16 D8
15 7 D4
14 D7
13 5 D4
12 D6
11 3 D4
10 D5
9 1 D4
8 D4
7 3 D2
6 D3
5 1 D2
4 D2
3 1 D1
2 D1
1 score has bust.