วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

An Entire Novel With No Verbs

Can you believe that anybody can write a paragraph without any verbs? Here is something more.... an entire novel without any verbs!!

Believe it or not, French author Michel Thaler published a 233 page novel 'Le Train de Nulle Part' ('The Nowhere Train') which has no verbs.

While doing some research today, I fell upon some astounding article which I thought would be best if I shared it with my esteemed readers.

According to Language Log, Thaler describes verbs as "invaders, dictators, and usurpers of our literature", adding "the verb is like a weed in a field of flowers ... You have to get rid of it to allow the flowers to grow and flourish." He has banned infinitives as well as tensed verbs entirely from his writing, but he does exempt past participles from his linguistic Nuremberg Laws.

Sample extracts of the book from Wikipedia:

Quelle aubaine! Une place de libre, ou presque, dans ce compartiment. Une escale provisoire, pourquoi pas! Donc, ma nouvelle adresse dans ce train de nulle part: voiture 12, 3ème compartiment dans le sens de la marche. Encore une fois, pourquoi pas?

Which means - "Fool's luck! A vacant seat, almost, in that train. A provisional stop, why not? So, my new address in this nowhere train: car 12, 3rd compartment, forward. Once again, why not?"

Something fascinating for sure! One can in no way imagine life without verbs and an entire verbless novel is certainly astounding!

What do you think? Can you try to write a single page without using any verb?

