The approach that works best for you in learning new information or developing new skills is called your Personal Learning Style. Individuals with different learning styles obviously learn in different ways. Some people learn best by actually working with materials touching, feeling and manipulating them. They are Kinesthetic Learners. Individuals who learn by watching others perform and then imitate their movements or behaviors are Visual Learners. They like to read books, work with diagrams and charts and also like to watch videos. Auditory Learners best learn by listening. They are able to sit in lectures, debates and discussions, gathering information from the way the speaker presents their information; the loudness or pitch of the voice, how fast they speak and other subtle hints. They like to listen to audio tapes and watch videos. These learning processes represent the three basic learning styles, Kinesthetic , Visual and Auditory. Each of these Learning Styles is an acceptable and effective instructional approach that can be applied to any educational situation, including learning how to play Texas Holdem Poker or how to improve an individual's Poker skills.
Learning the basic concepts of dealing, posting the blind bets and the betting procedures like calling, checking and raising in Texas Holdem Poker is simple. These skills can be learned in two or three poker hands. However, becoming a good or expert Texas Holdem poker player is much more difficult. Learning how to properly play your hole cards that is, when to fold, call or raise is an important skill that must be learned. The ability to read your opponents to determine if they really have a strong hand or are they bluffing is another important skill essential for your success as a poker player. Some people are gifted with an instinctive ability or a mathematical mind that gives them an advantage in doing the poker math and making the right decisions based upon the statistics. Others are able to read body language and facial expressions which assist them with the human interaction decisions like determining when an opponent is bluffing.
Most poker players have talents and abilities that they rely on when playing poker, but regardless of what you are best at, you need to develop your all round poker style, skills and strategies to become a successful poker player. Normally these skills and strategies have to be acquired by playing many poker hands, losing a lot of money, and developing your skills by learning from your experiences through trial and error. This is no longer an effective option. You cannot spend countless hours playing poker with skilled poker players trying to learn the finer points of Texas Holdem poker in Casinos or online. There is too much money to be lost! In order to acquire knowledge and experience, you need to access the many high quality poker educational resources that are currently available to assist you in developing the necessary skills and strategies.
Fortunately, top poker experts and successful poker champions are willing to assist you in gaining knowledge and experience. These individuals share the poker successes and failures that they have experienced through poker books and poker DVDs. These instructional books and DVDs summarize and present the knowledge that the poker experts have accumulated or demonstrate the actual situations or re-enactments of the real poker situations that have helped shape the author's poker skills and strategies. They provide you with the opportunity to assimilate years of accumulated knowledge and experience into your knowledge base. You can observe first-hand the thought processes that these poker champions use in applying their knowledge and experience in making their poker decisions.
Using the instructional resources that appeal to your personal Learning Style will allow you to learn better and faster. If you are an adult, your previous learning experiences, successes and failures, will help you identify how you learn most effectively. If you are younger or still a student, you may be aware of your Learning Style based upon the Learning Style concepts that are currently being used in schools. If not, you may need to experiment with several different types of resources to determine which approach is best for you. However, whether you learn best working hands on (Kinesthetic), imitating the actions of others, reading books, manuals and guides (Visual) or watching videos ( Visual, Auditory), there are a vast number of educational resources available for purchase online to assist you in improving your poker game. You need to determine which resource is an acceptable, effective learning option that can help you learn how to play poker, how to improve your poker skills and enable you to become a poker champion.